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Showing posts from September, 2009

An Act of Good Riddance

Photo Courtesy : Me, myself and Himanshu [I clicked it...grrrr..!] through the hills under the lush green canopies a light wind blows carrying sounds profound chilly at times with the dry leaves in a vortex crumpling under its force the memories of yore they have tales to tell into the unknown before they soar warm at times dry n scalding punishing one and all reminding of the crimes tortures forsaken made to self and others the vows broken and then it stops vanishing in the hills below those canopies that are almost brown now weathering the cold and dry still standing there though reminding the wind that it also has limits unseen forces control its existence A unknown act of good riddance

Kiss from Liberia!

We all receive phishing mails once in a while, ain't it? War in Brukina Faso - want to shift to India with tonnes of money - have no means to do so, so need your help! Will give you commission! We'll share 50-50! Hell, come on - you just help me shift - give me 10% of what is mine. Ha Ha! It is no doubt fun reading these mails and pressing spam button after that. But recently, I received one which demanded more than just passing attention. Here goes the text from a sweet lady called Jasmine: Tere, Hello, how is your day,i pray this letter meet you in good health. How are you and your day my names are Jasmine Awa i am 24 yrs old ,single,never married young girl, searching for a man who is caring and loving,i came from Liberia in Africa and i am the only daughter of Dr Wilson Awa. My late father was the director of 'AWA INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED' (AICL) before his death from the war going on in my country . It was on one early morning attack from hired assasins, killin...

reltok...not just talk!

No marketer worth his/her salt would want to curb his opinions on things learnt in those marketing lectures. I am no different. reltoK - a portal created by Vineet Rajan - 2008 batch pass out of SIBM, Pune creates an awesome opportunity for marketing enthusiasts to link up and discuss some of the most pressing and relevant issues related to marketing. It also is an amazing platform for people who want to know more from others' experiences. Do follow up guys and register yourself for this amazing knowledge enhancing portal! Obviously, I could not stop myself. So here is my post - trying to explain ' touchpoints' in retail parlance from a layman's perspective. Click here to read. Thanks!

Death of a Salesman...yet again!

Image Courtesy : 'Sir, it will take only two minutes' I insisted. All I got in return was a nice little smirk from the gentleman (atleast that was what I presumed him to be when I approached him). The day hadn’t been really good but it was exciting to be back in field. I was reminded of the times when I was stalking married women for my survey for a specific brand of detergent about a year ago. At times, it got dangerous, the stalking business and it was only my college ID card that came to my rescue to prove my innocence and intentions. I dreaded when I thought of what would have happened had I forgotten to carry it! It finally was time to put the Marketing Research concepts learnt in class to practice. The only problem – we were more viewed as salesmen selling credit cards and insurance rather than as diligent students pursuing research purely for academic purposes. Having reached this sweet little mall in Chinchwad to carry out our research, we wer...

A Survey Poem!

I didn't know ever that someday I'll do this, Write a poem on a survey, so that the deadline of my project I do not miss Here I am then, talking about a simple little survey Will need only 3 mins, at your computers screens for you to stay! Here I post the link : Oh, it is long, but all you need is for your mouse to click, And the sweet little survey will be in front of your eyes in a flick! Please help this soul, entertaining you here with all sorts of things, God! What all a marketer has to do, yeah, it isn't just being loaded with bling!

Our very own shenanigan

Image Courtesy: William P Coleman it was just a look for a fleeting moment then the eyes went down a feigning stunt more often they met more times a day and now accompanying them was a smiling warm face and then came the simple words hey, what is your name? name told and asked introductions made time started flowing moods started flying unknown feelings erupting mind started corrupting things unexplained happened and sitting today one just imagines how was it all spun when the heart itself is a shenanigan