It has been quite some time now that I am here. And as they say - thoroughly inducted into the system. The picture on the left, at times, seems to be true - me being the little red human being and stuff around here being those dreaded aliens, ready to gobble me up. But then, you learn to evade them. Evasive action to events which could turn disastrous otherwise comes to you so naturally that its almost like you were born to do it. Yes - you learn all this in an MBA.
You learn how to prepare presentations, you learn how not to prepare presentations and yet be prepared for them. You learn how not to prepare presentations and not be prepared for them and still seem prepared for anything that comes your way! You solve case studies so deftly that it would surprise even the ones who were actually involved in the case - were they anywhere near you. And if somehow - you turn out to be like me - you learn how to be perceived as a good student without opening a single book of a single subject when its almost 3 months that you have become an MBA student. Yes again - you learn all this in an MBA.
Problems or difficulties or obstacles or whatever other name you want to give to it no longer irritate you. Everything is handled or settled or negotiated or whatever other name you want to give to it in a stride. All you have to do is for time to pass and problem automatically passes (now you know what people mean by saying - take it in stride or take it with a pinch of salt, etc.)
Other major learning comes with respect to dealing with stupid people and their unparalleled obstinacy of remaining stupid. You respect their unforgiving persistence of being stupid, think that it is their birthright to remain stupid and leave it to that, almost as stupidly.
As for learning, it doesn't stop, does it? Here are more examples to give you some basic ideas:
1. You live in a hostel. Accept it.
2. You learn to wear smelly socks without bothering your nostrils.
3. You accept the fact that clothes won't dry for days.
4. You can eat anything that looks like food. Anything.
5. You either sleep lots, or you don't sleep. (This in no way implies that you study when you don't sleep)
6. Use of words like management, organization, demand, competence, marketing mix, life cycle, debit, credit, reports, presentation, summary, etc. start flowing in your blood because when you have nothing to write - they come to your rescue in terms of word count.
7. You learn to sleep in all sorts of positions (no pun intended) - standing, sitting on chair with support from tummy/fingers/hands/laptop flap on table, sitting on chair with head hanging at back supported by gravity, etc.
8. You learn to ask for what is yours, without any inhibitions.
9. Sleeping at 3 a.m. with bullets firing and bombs dropping around you. (No, I am not in Baghdad, but there is a game called Counter Strike.)
10. These lists are endless and will keep coming up time and again.
Yes once again - you learn all this in an MBA.
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