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Showing posts from September, 2006
you can call it slumber..i call it..deep thought...


I am a Hindu. This sounds really weird when the title has the word”agnostic” in it, doesn’t it? So, being an agnostic doesn’t mean that I am a Hindu? And even before judging what my religion is, let us first see what makes a person a Hindu or a Muslim or anybody else at the first place. Is it his birth? If I were born in a Muslim family, I would surely have been a Muslim. Is it that simple then? No, I don’t think so. So, does it come from practice? If I go to the Hanuman temple nearby every Tuesday, will that make me a Hindu or if my grandmother prays daily for an hour at home, does that make her a Hindu? Or being of a particular religion comes from the fact that how eagerly do you follow the norms of the religion? Or is it that how much you admire the God you follow or love Him? Or, is there any other criterion that I am missing? To me, it is all abstruse. Well, if the points stated above don’t form the criteria to decide one’s religion, if not followed to some extent, they surely tel...