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Showing posts from February, 2012

Of Crows & Pigeons

Of late, worse than the pollution, population & politicians (elections are underway here where I stay); it has been crows and pigeons that have been giving me a heart ache! In a city where there isn't enough space for people to stay and more get pouring in everyday, it looks like things aren't much different for these birds as well. When town was full & expensive, people moved to suburbs. When prices shot up in suburbs - hey there still were the outskirts to stretch and extend Mumbai further. When trees were full, there were poles & buildings. And now - these little funny creatures don't mind to procreate on our window ledges! People are generous of course. I have seen elevators in some Jain dominated buildings having stickers saying how you can wash away your sins by feeding them. Humbug! So, every morning (especially weekend mornings) when you are having the best sleep of your life (at least the week!) - they simply can't stop moving round and...

Paradox Named Life

Like the pistol bullets shot At an army with swords for defense Like an expensive dairy chocolate slab Gifted to a lactose intolerant Like a treatment for depression related disorders Prescribed to the guy who acts joker in the circus Like an amusement park Filled with Dementor-like creatures Life is a simple equation Filled with many variables