This one will definitely ruffle a few but then, it is my blog, isn't it? I actually feel like arguing but stop myself one step short realizing it may usually be futile. Cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon (yes, it is Gurgaon and not Delhi), Hyderabad and Mumbai have always faced the wrath of people working there. Most of them don't like their work cities. Most of them do not belong to these cities. My simple question is - if you have a problem with everything ranging from traffic to rents to 'heartlessness' in here, why are you here? In questioning all the wrong things, one tends to forget that these are the cities with opportunities. They never asked to be the chosen ones but government policies, location, etc. worked in their favor. It is only the residents who realize how their towns changed into big cities which actually is the root cause of all the problems. I can speak for Gurgaon, been living here since birth. I have seen fields turn into glass buildings - a...
Trotting on, a regal symphony. Mighty yawn, teeth glowering ominously. That aberrated bark, are my Pug Marks!