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Showing posts from April, 2009

Ticket to Disneyland!

Johnson was pretty average in Quantum Mechanics 101. His grades in Relativity Theorems also sucked. He was not proud of it and made it a point to read extensively before he started his sophomore year. It was his sheer luck to have landed at MIT with truly average grades. May be the panel took pity and took notice of his project on Understanding Vector Angular Motion at Joints of Robotic Arms that landed him in the cosy hostel room at MIT about an year ago. He was getting nostalgic about how his father taught him Electromagnetic Theory in Grade Six and how he always goofed up with simple formulae. He wished he had paid more attention to his elementary courses. Of course, he couldn't survive in the brutal competition that was waiting for him in the Sophomore. Robotics was a subject coveted by the best of the best of the best at MIT. It indeed was the 'in' thing. He simply had to study Advanced Robotics.  He wished for a miracle - and it happened.  There on the LED board, Kryp...