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Degree is not enough!

Residents of Gurgaon would definitely know about the electricity woes here, summers being a nightmare at times. Good old days of the city being quiet and simple are gone. It is now touted as the 'Millennium City' and the 'City of Malls'. Millennium City because it still faces the problems only heard of in Millennium B.C. and City of Malls because that is probably the only weekend getaway people can have. Anyway, coming to the point.

With a recently changed electricity meter (it literally burnt up in flames) and a jugaad fixed transformer, our woes were alleviated to a small extent. And then it happened. Of all the things, the house bell stopped working. Of course we can do without a bell for some time and trust me we did too. Mom's patience with our lack of interest to get it fixed was running out. She kept saying that she would shut the door at the stairs (we live on first floor) and if anyone comes, he will go back as we would not be able to hear him! We laze around in our drawing room and watch TV lying down on our sofas (who doesn't?!) and it used to be awkward to see strangers popping their heads in. Well, the final ultimatum came today and even before I woke up - my dad was working feverishly on the bell. He intended to save the hefty sum that the electrician would charge just for showing up and  screwing the screw tight. His efforts did work, only in waking me up from my lovely Sunday morning slumber - with mom and dad shouting after every minute to ask the maid to hit the bell and see if dad's harakiri worked. 

I did not want to touch the bell but with mom around - that wouldn't even happen in my dreams. 

Mom: You are an engineer - right?
Me: Yes. [I do not like the direction in which this conversation is going already!]
Mom: Electronics?
Me: Yes. Electronics and Instrumentation.
Mom: Right. And you can't even fix a bell?
Me: It is not that...
Mom: Kids in DCE and IITs are making cars and robots even during engineering and you can't even set a bell right? Is this why I spent so much money on your studies? At least try fixing it? What use is your degree of?
Me: [only a blank look and pulling the chair out to take a look at the bell]

As it happened, the spring of the hammer which hits the gong plate was out. Thankfully, it was only a physical thing that could be rectified. I shudder to think what would my mom's comments be had I said - Oh, the electromagnet is not working. I can't help it.

After setting it right, I looked at her, hoping for some approving smile. 

Mom: "Hmmm..Finally some worth of all the money I spent on you...else I was almost thinking that your degree is a fake." And she went back to her chores.


  1. aaj mera bhai engineer ban gaya :P

    P.S> Pata nahi MBA kab banega?? :P :P

  2. engineer ji hamara ghar mei bhi house bell kaam nahi kar raha hi..can u plz drop in..joking ya...take care buddy

  3. Hilarious. I can imagine the whole scene and aunty's smirk. Lol. Poor you! Awwww....

  4. agree with Nikita .... its a cool one :)

  5. Anonymous12 July, 2010

    In the Same way you aren't a Sofware engineer if you cant install Windows.... :)

  6. hahahaa!!
    There should be a funny option too.

  7. Story of each (supposedly) engineer... :-P

  8. @Ramesh - thanks! :)
    @Anonymous - Well said, so true! [But why u anonymous?!]
    @Nikki - :)
    @Tanvi - Thanks! :)
    @blue sunride - thanks! :)
    @Ankush Sirjee - Yes! The same story! :)


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